



Quotenkönig, Vice Bundeschampion 2012, Westphalian Champion 2012, 2013 and 2014. BundesChampionat 2015, 4th place, WorldChampionship 2015, 8th place in the final round, victories in 3rd and 4th levels, WorldChampionship 2016, 4th place, multiple S & M Dressage victories,, liver chestnut Westphalian Stallion, by Quaterback - Fürst Piccolo - Sandro Hit - Contender - Landgraf, born 2009, standing approximately 16.2 hands.

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Quotenkönig is by the Bundeschampion Quaterback. A breathtaking stallion with phenomenal offspring. Here are just some of the highlights for Quaterback:

Scores for the Bundeschampionat:
Trot; 9.5
Canter: 10
walk 7.5
Conformation: 9.5
Overall Impression: 9.5
Licensed for Berlin-Brandenburg, Oldenburg , Hanoverian
This exceptional moving young stallion has already started his winning ways. Paired with the talented young rider, Christian Flamm of Hessen, Quaterback galloped away from the competition at the Bundeschampionate in 2006.
He started his stallion career by being named Champion of his licensing in Neustadt/Dosse in 2005.
In 2006, after the Bundeschampionate, he went on to win his 30 day test at Neustadt/Dosse with outstanding scores:
Int. 9.0
Trot 9.25
Canter 9.75
Walk 7.63
Riding qualities 9.75
Jumping 7.75

Quotenkönig’s dam is “St.Pr.St. Fleet-Street“, 1. Reserve-Champion (Elite) of the mare performance testing in the year 2006 and she participated at the Bundeschampionat as well.

 She scored an amazing 8.99 at her performance testing.

SPS Fleet-Street under saddle:

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SPS Fleet-Street in hand:

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She is by the famous Fürst Piccolo, a 100 Day Performance Test Winner! Fürst Piccolo's sire Fidermark was the vice champion of the NRW approvals in 1994 and won the Warendorf state stallion performance test with a big margin in 1995. Further successes followed in 1996. He dominated the "Optimum of Westphalian Riding Horses" sovereignty in Munster . He also became the Buneschampion in his home town of Warendorf . He then went on to win the LVM stallion championship in Munster Handorf. He has had many wins in the Prix St George and Intermediaire I under Marlies Van Baalen and he is trained by Johann Hinnemann. In 2003 he made his debut successfully at Grand Prix.

His first foal crops produced sensational foals. They dominated the Westphalian Foal shows and the NRW elite foal auctions. In 1998 his first approved son Fein Sinn won the 100 day test, the first of several including the impressive moving Fürst Piccolo. He has over 15 licensed sons and many state premium mares to his credit already. He is a sire who will dominate German breeding for many years to come. He is ranked highly on the FN breeding values list. The dam sire Mephistopheles, a son of the Trakehner Mackensen derives from a Romadour II mare, establishing a blood connection to the paternal side via Rheingold. Mephistopheles sired the performance test winner Jacquare. Rembrandt in the third generation was a performance test winner with Trakehner blood. 

Fürst Piccolo was a premium stallion at the NRW main approval in 1999 and won the 100 day test in 2000 with high scores. He is an amazing moving stallion and his first few foal crops have dominated the Westphalian elite foal auctions.

Fürst Piccolo:

Quotenkönig's grand dam is the mother of "Feedback", by Fidertanz, he was the reserve winner of the NRW-stallion licensing 2009.

She scored an amazing 8.06 at her performance testing. Feedback is her son, here is some info about Feedback:

 After victories in riding horse tests and the Federal Championship qualifying with a score of 8.6, underlined its exceptional quality of Feedback with a superb 30-day test in Neustadt / Dosse. He received the best grade point average of all stallions. The descendants of the second NRW reserve winner in 2009 are eagerly awaited. Fidertanz father, the NRW champion stallion in 2004, presented again in 2010 and numerous top foals approved sons. Feedbacks mother, Conn. Pr.St. Scarlett was first reserve champion mare in her circle, is the parent of the premium stallion Fiderhit, the champion mare St.Pr.St. Fleet Street and many winning foals. Dam's sire Sandro Hit was Bundes champion six-year old and World champion of the young horses. Among the best known children of the stallion are the champion stallion Sir Donnerhall as well as the record mare Poetin. The Contender-Holstein and Landgraf lines round out the third and fourth generation of the pedigree.

Quotenkönig (King of hearts!) is a picture perfect and absolutely stunning young stallion. He was the favorite of the NRW stallion licensing auditions, 2011. Superb gentleman with 3 above average gaits. He impressed everybody with his cat like movement, super free shoulder and unbelievable active hind end. He is one of a kind in movement, dynamic, charm and esprit. He was the reserve winner of the licensing.

His pedigree as well as his 100% super character and temperament as well as his exceptional movement will let hope for outstanding offspring.

They should be very correct, pretty and outstanding movers as well. Quotenkönig should have a very successful future in the sport as well. He is now available via stallion station Schult in Hünxe, Germany.

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For more Info just click this link:


Quotenkönig Westfalen - Fuchs - 2009 - Stockm.: 1,67 m Der Quaterback-Sohn wurde auf der 21. NRW Hengstkörung vom Fachpublikum gefeiert. Der äußerst bewegungsstarke Fuchshengst wurde zweiter Reservesieger und bezog, genau wie ein Jahr zuvor sein Halbbruder Quanticus, seine Beschälerbox in Hünxe. Sein Vater Quaterback war der überragende Gewinner des Bundeschampionats 2006. Er gehört zu den meist frequentierten Deckhengsten Europas und stellte bereits 24 gekörte Söhne. Zahlreiche Championatssieger und Auktionsspitzen, Siegerhengste und Prämienhengste in aller Welt haben diesen Spitzenvererber zum Vater.

Die beachtenswerte Mutterlinie verbindet die Linie des Fidermark mit der des Sandro Hit. Quotenkönigs Mutter namens Fleet-Street war erste Reservesiegerstute der Elitestutenschau 2006 und Teilnehmerin des Bundeschampionats. Zudem hat sie ihre Zuchtstutenprüfung mit 8,99 absolviert.

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Quotenkönig is now Vice Bundeschampion 2012!

With a superior 8.67, he placed 2nd in his class at the Bundeschampionat!

Mit 8,67 guter 2. Platz bei den Hengsten auf der Westfalenwoche/Handorf 2012.

Die Silbermedaille ging an den 2. Reservesieger der NRW-Körung, den Quaterback-Fürst Piccolo-Sohn Quotenkönig aus der Zucht von Frank Dahlhoff in Lippetal mit Lisa Neukäter im Sattel. "Ein Bild von einem Mannsbild, dieser Hengst, ein Kraftprotz!", schwärmte Dr. Plewa. Der imponierende Dunkelfuchs, der auf der Station Schult in Hünxe deckt, erhielt die höchste Gebäudenote des Tages, eine 9,0. Beim Trab gefiel die "natürliche Erhabenheit". Das Hinterbein könnte in den Verstärkungen weiter unter den Schwerpunkt treten, aber ansonsten hatte die Jury wenig zu bemängeln an Quotenkönigs Auftritt im Trabe, 9,0.

Auch der Galopp "mit klar erkennbarer Schwebephase, bei stets gleichbleibendem Rhythmus" bekam ein glattes "Sehr gut". Den Schritt hätten die Richter sich etwas ergiebiger mit mehr Freiheit aus der Schulter heraus gewünscht, 8,0.  Eine 8,5 gab es im Bereich Ausbildung. Die Anlehnung könnte etwas leichter sein, was Lisa Neukäter mit einem wissenden Nicken bestätigte. Doch angesichts des herrlichen Typs dieses Pferdes und der großen Konzentration, die der Hengst während der Aufgabe an den Tag legte, lautete auch die letzte Note 9,0.

Das bedeutete 52,50 Punkte, mit denen Quotenkönig im B-Finale antreten musste, nur 0,5 mehr als sein Verfolger Stanford. Aber der Quaterback-Sohn konnte den Abstand vergrößern. 18 Punkte erhielt er von Kim Pfeiffer und Marcus Hermes, machte 70,50 Zähler in Summe und den Titel des Vize-Champions. Damit konnte er an dem Zweitplatzierten der Qualifikation vorbeiziehen,


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March 25th, 2013: 

Successful show start for Vice Bundeschampion Quotenkoenig! He celebrated a victory in a huge field of high quality horses, dressage class A, with a score of 8.6! Congratulations to his rider Lisa Neukaeter!!! Well done!

He's a beautiful stallion and the first foal crop is just arriving in 2013 - how exciting!!! 

Erfolgreicher Turnierauftakt beim Turnier in Hünxe für Vize Bundeschampion Quotenkönig! Am Wochenende siegte er gegen ein starkes Teilnehmerfeld in einer Dressurpferde Kl. A mit der Wertnote 8,6! Herzlichen Glückwunsch an Lisa Neukäter und Quotenkönig! (Foto Recki)

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August 9th, 2013:

Quotenkönig, Westphalian Champion 2013, Vice Bundeschampion 2012, by Quaterback - Fürst Piccolo - Sandro Hit - Contender, was just licensed for Hanoverian and Oldenburg in Germany.

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May 2014:

Sieger der Bundeschampion Qualification in Coesfeld-Lette bei den 5-jährigen Pferden. Quotenkönig mit Lisa Neukäter mit der Wertnote von 8,4. Quotenkönig won the Bundeschampion Qualification in Coesfeld-Lette, 5yo horses, with Lisa Neukäter in the saddle and a score of 8,4.

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July 2014: Fantastic Quotenkönig - he's again Westphalian Champion in 2014!

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Home Up Abanos Abglanz Absatz Akzent II Alabaster Amiro Ampere Andric Aquilino Arcachon Argentan Argentinus Armani Gold HW Ballettmeister Balou du Rouet Baloubet du Rouet Baroncelli Belantis Bellissimo M Beltain Beltano Benefit Benetton Dream Benicio Bentley Bolero Bon Bravour Bon Coeur BonFire HW Bonjour Bordeaux Bossanova Boston Brantzau Breitling W Brentano II Bretton Woods Briar 899 Buckingham Caitano Califax Camerino Camirez L Campo Grande Captain Fire Candidatus Capitol's Family Caprimond Cardenio Carry Gold Caruso Centus Chacco Blue Chaccomo Champion du Lys Champion F.P Cheenook Chequille Christ Clinton II Colander Coleur Rouge Collin L Come On Competent Compliment Consul Contendro Contender Conteur Converter Cor de la Bryere Cordial Medoc Cornet's Stern D Egalite D'Accord Daddy Cool DamonHill Danciano Dancier Dancing Dynamite Dankeschoen Danny Wilde Danone Dante Weltino Dauphin Davignon Davignon II De Champ De Niro Decamerone Decor Delatio Del Cento Delacroix Rose Den Haag Depardieu Der Designer Der Lord Desperados Desperando Destano Diamond Deluxe Diamond Hit Diamonit Diarado Dimaggio Dimension Dobel's Cento Don Frederic Don Frederico Don Bedo Don Bosco Don Cardinale Don Cavallo Don Crusador Don Deluxe Don Gregory Don Juan Don Lauredo Don Nobless Don Martillo Don Primero Don Primus Don Ricoss Don Romanov Don Schufro Don Vino Donnerhall Donnerschlag Donnerschwee Donnerwetter Dormello Dragon Hill Dream of Glory Dresden Man Dresemann Dressage Royal Earl Ehrenpreis Ehrentanz Ehrentusch Eleven HW Emilio Sanchez Eminence HW Epsom Gesmeray Erdinger Escamillo Escolar Escudo I Estobar Ex Libris Fabriano Falkland Falsterbo Fantastic Farewell Federweisser Feedback Feinbrand Feiner Bedo Feiner Stern Ferragamo Fiderbach Fidermark Fidertanz Figaro Filmstar Fineliner Finest Finnigan First Ampere First Choice Fittipaldi Flatley Fleurop Florenciano Florencio Florestan 1 Floriscount Flovino Follow Me Fontane For Compliment For Final For Glory HW For Pleasure For Romance Foundation Franziskus Fred Astaire Frederico Fellini French Kiss Friendship Fuerst Fohlenhof Fuerst Fugger Fuerst Heinrich Fuerst Nymphenburg Fuerst Piccolo Fuerst Romancier Fuerst Samarant Fuerst Wallerstein Fuerstbischof Fuersten Look Fuerstenball Fuerstenreich G Ramiro Z Ganymedes Graf Goetz Graf Top Grand Cru Grand Passion Goethe Grey Flannel Gribaldi Grosso Z Hampton Harvard Herzensdieb His Highness Hochadel Hofrat Hohenstein Hotline Jack Sparrow Jazz K 2 King Arthur Krack C La Cock Lanciano Lancier Lando Lanthan Laptop Latimer Laurentino Laurentio Laureus Lauries Crusador Lauterbach Le Espoir Le Primeur Leffert Legat Lemony's Nicket Licosto Licotus Likoto xx Linaro Linton Lombard Londonderry LongChamp Lord Carnaby Lord Loxley Lord Sinclair Louis le Bon Lugano II Lugato Margue Martinez Matcho AA Matrose Mephistopheles Millennium Mon Cheri Montmartre Nantano Nintender Pablo Peking Pelegrinius Pik Bube Pik Solo Plasir d' Amour Prince Thatch Quality Quantensprung Quaterback Quattro Quicksilber Quidam de Revel Quintender Quotenkoenig Rascalino Ravallo Reccio Regazzoni Relevant Revan Riccidoff Riccio Riccione Rob Roy Rock For Me Rock Forever Rockwell Roessegnieur Rohdiamant Romancero Romanov Ronaldo Rosandro Rosario Rosenkönig Rosentau Rotspon Rouletto Rousseau Royal Blend Royal Classic Royal Diamond Royal Hit Rubignon Rubiloh Rubin Royal Rubinstein I Sacre Coeur Samaii Samarant Samba Hit I Samba Hit III Sambertino San Amour San Brasil San Rubin San Schufro Sandro Hit Sandro Boy Sandro Song Sanvaro Sarkozy Satisfaction I Schufro Schumacher Scolari Secret Sezuan Show Star Silberschmied Silvio Sion Sir Alfred Sir Donnerhall Sir Donnerhall II Sir Heinrich Sir Rubin Sir Schoelling Sir Shutterfly So Unique St.Patrick St. Shufro Stakkatol Stedinger Sunday Sunny Boy Surprice Swarovski Tailormade Temtation Tolegro Totilas Toto Jr United Valverde Veneno Vitalis Vivaldi Vivat Rex Voice Waikiki Warkant Weinzauber Welt Hit II Weltissimo Weltmeister Weltmeyer Weltpoet Weltrubin Weltruhm Wendekreis Werbellin Werther Wesley Westerland White Star Windfall Woermann Wolkenstein II Wolkentanz Wolkentanz II World Cup I Worldly Wunschtraeumer Wynton Zack Zonik Zonik One Follow Him's Schoenweide Johnson