Dancing Dynamite




Dancing Dynamite, bay Westphalian Stallion by (Don BedoFidermark [Florestan I]), born in 2001, standing approximately 16.2 hands.

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Dancing Dynamite, the Champion

The dark brown, true-to-type, strongly moving stallion, from Don Bedo and Fidermark, charms with his expressive performance in the arena and his perfect temperament. Now eight years-old he is mastering the St. George. Dancing Dynamite was 2003 Champion Stallion at the NRW Main Licensing in Münster-Handorf and he completed the 30-Day Test with top marks (twice awarded 10.0 and six times 9.0). He also won the 2004 Westfalia Crest for three-year olds and in 2006 took part in the National Championships for five-year old dressage horses. He qualified as a reserve for the 2006 World Championship for Young Horses and in 2007 was in the final qualifying round of the National Championships. Dancing Dynamite passes down his positive attitude towards work, his swing, movement and character to his progeny – as well as his ridability and rhythm in all basic gaits. His sire Don Bedo I, State stud stallion in Warendorf and Champion Stallion at the 1998 NRW Main Licensing, sired the Rhine Champion mare Dornröschen in 2003 and the National Champion Don Pescatore in 2004. His dam, the State Premium Mare, Florin was a final round contender at the Westfalian Mare Show in 1999 and took part in the National Championships and also gave birth to Dancing Dynamite’s full brother Dannemann. His grandmother, the State Premium Mare, Wonne, won a series of Riding Tests. Her dam, the State Premium Mare Fichte was a 1a-premium DLG Exhibition Mare and participant in a number of National Mare Shows. The dam side also gave birth to the Warendorf State stud horse FIANO and PRINZ MUTHAGEN and to the Holstein horse Sandro. The German Breeding Ranking 2008 puts Dancing Dynamite 6th amongst all of the breeding stallions assessed, with a breeding figure of 169 and 80 % reliability. This means that he is now in 2nd place amongst all the Westphalian dressage stallions. In the NRW progeny prize money ranking Dancing Dynamite is the clear winner in group 1 with his premiere offspring (3 year old youngsters). The German breeding ranking 2009 puts Dancing Dynamite in 6th place (3870 breeding stallions assessed) with an outstanding breeding figure of 168 and 86 % reliability. This means that Dancing Dynamite is again in 2nd place amongst all the Westphalian dressage stallions in 2009.

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Don Bedo Donnerhall Donnerwetter
Rosita Rosenkavalier
Florin Fidermark Florestan I
Fichte Worldchamp

After the ticket was for the World Cup is now the ticket to Nuremberg Castle Cup final - (Cappeln / Lingen). Christoph Koschel konnte beim Cappelner Fest der Pferde die Qualifikation zum Finale in der Frankfurter Festhalle im Dezember dominieren. Christoph Koschel Cappelner was the festival of horses to qualify for the finals in Frankfurt's Festhalle in December dominate. Auf Dancing Dynamite, dem erfolgreichen Beschäler des renommierten Gestüts Kampmann (Lingen), erhielt Koschel 71,85 Prozent für seine dynamische Darbietung, in der der westfälische Siegerhengst seinem Namen alle Ehren machte. Dancing on Dynamite, a successful sire of the renowned stud Kampmann (Lingen), received 71.85 percent Koschel for its dynamic performance, in which the Westphalian stallion winner made its name in honor. Dahinter rangierten der schwedische Championatsreiter Patrick Kittel mit Debonnet sowie die Olympiateilnehmerin Victoria Max-Theurer in der am stärksten besetzten Qualifikation des Jahres. Ranked behind the Swedish championship with rider Patrick Kittel Debonnet and Olympian Victoria Max-Theurer in the most occupied qualifications of the year. Während der neunjährige Don Bedo-Nachkomme zum ersten Mal nach Frankfurt reist und mit dem Finale eine überaus erfolgreiche Saison mit mehreren Siegen der schweren Klasse abrundet, ist Koschel in der Festhalle so etwas wie ein alter Hase. During the nine years of traveling Don Bedo-descendant for the first time in Frankfurt and the final rounds with a very successful season with several victories of the heavy class, Koschel in the Festhalle something like an old hand. Der Hagener Dressurausbilder war 15-Jährig 1991 als jüngster Teilnehmer aller Zeiten erstmals am Start; 2010 wird seine fünfte Burg Pokal-Endrunde. The Hagen dressage trainer was 15-year 1991 as the youngest competitor of all time for the first time at the start, 2010 will be his fifth Castle Cup finals. „Es ist jedoch immer wieder etwas Besonderes und eine einmalige Auszeichnung für jedes Dressurpferd, den Sprung ins Finale geschafft zu haben“, so Koschel „Cappelmann, Werth, Theodorescu, Wittig, Rehbein, Kemmer – allein dieser kleine Auszug der Namen der siegreichen Reiter liest sich wie das Who is Who des Dressursports und die Namen der Siegerpferde ebenfalls.“ "There is always something special and a unique distinction for any dressage horse, jump to the final have," said Koschel "Cappel man, Werth, Theodorescu, Wittig, Rehbein, Kemmer - but this small excerpt of the names of the winning rider reads like the who's who of the dressage sport and the names of winning horses as well. " Mit Dancing Dynamite hat der 34-Jährige allerdings auch keinen Unbekannten am Start: Siegerhengst der NRW Körung 2003, Bundeschampionats-Teilnehmer und mehrfacher S-Sieger. Dancing Dynamite with the 34-year-old but also not unknown at the start: Champion of the NRW Stallion Licensing 2003 federal championship participants and multiple S-winner. Und auch in der Zucht ist der über Fidermark–Worldchamp gezogene Hengst ein Qualitätsgarant. And in the breeding of which spans Fidermark-World Champ stallion is a guarantee of quality. In der bundesweiten Zuchtwertschätzung des Jahres 2009 (berücksichtigt sind darin 3870 Deckhengste) nimmt Dancing Dynamite mit dem sechsten Platz einen herausragenden Zuchtwert von 168 mit 86 Prozent Sicherheit ein. (Included are the 3870 stallions) in the national genetic evaluation of 2009 takes a Dynamite Dancing with sixth place an outstanding breeding value of 168, with 86 percent certainty. Für Westfalen liegt Dancing Dynamite damit nach 2008 auch 2009 erneut an zweiter Stelle. For Westphalia is Dancing Dynamite so after 2008 and 2009 again ranked second. Für Gestütsinhaber Heinrich Kampmann ist die Final-Qualifikation die Bestätigung seiner sorgfältigen Zuchtselektion und des konsequenten Managements. For stud owner Heinrich Kampmann is the final qualification certification of its careful selection and breeding of consistent management. „Wir haben Dancing Dynamite in diesem Jahr aus dem aktiven Deckeinsatz herausgenommen um ihm die voller Konzentration auf den Sport zu ermöglichen. "We have Dancing Dynamite in that year removed from the active breeding season to enable him to concentrate fully on the sport. Umso mehr freut es mich, dass er 2010 nicht nur seine hervorragende Eignung als Deckhengst, sondern auch als Sportpferd beweisen konnte.“ The more it makes me happy that he could prove 2010 is not only his outstanding suitability as a sire, but also as a sport horse. "

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Christoph Koschel Dancing Dynamite © Karl-Heinz Frieler

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Info courtesy of Gestuet Kappmann in Germany , please contact them directly if you are interested to buy frozen semen:




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