Falsterbo,dark chestnut Hanoverian Stallion by (Fidermark - Brentano II), born in 1998, standing approximately 16.3 hands. For the most demanding Falsterbo took home a ribbon from his very first Grand Prix test under Jonny Hilberath. In the 2006 and 2007 seasons he had won advanced (S) to Inter I dressage classes and also placed in the Burg Pokal. With placings in elementary (L) level show jumping, Falsterbo obviously has a double talent and his offspring are successful in dressage rings as well as on courses. In 2008 two further Falsterbo sons were licensed in Verden, both from the famous family of the Lemon xx daughter Larina and one of them had been the winner of the Foal Championships in Elmloh in 2006. Fitzgeraldos from Falsterbo's first crop was licensed in 2005. Three Falsterbo daughters received a State Premium at the Broodmare Show in Elmlohe in 2008. St.Pr.St. Fiene (breeder: Ernst Schulz, Predöhlsau) also placed at the Louis-Wiegels Show in Sandbostel. At the 127th Fritzlar Horse Market, a Falsterbo daughter named Fleury was the overall winner.
Here is info from Garner Creek Farms, they are the owners and stand this wonderful stallion in the US: Falsterbo took home a ribbon from his very first Grand Prix test under Jonny Hilberath. In the 2006 and 2007 seasons he had won advanced (S) to Inter I dressage classes and also placed in the Burg Pokal. Also, in 2009 Falsterbo won under Steffen Frahm the Prix St. George-Special in Verden and the Prix St. George in Bremen. Meanwhile, he placed over 40 times in advanced dressage classes up to Grand Prix. With placings in elementary (L) level show jumping, Falsterbo obviously has a double talent and his offspring are successful in dressage rings as well as on courses. In the 2010 Stallion Yearbook (FN) Falsterbo’s overall score was 127 putting him in the top 10% for Dressage Stallions. In 2008 two further Falsterbo sons were licensed in Verden, both from the famous family of the Lemon xx daughter Larina and one of them had been the winner of the Foal Championships in Elmloh in 2006. Fitzgeraldos from Falsterbo's first crop was licensed in 2005. The three time young horse class winner Flynn THC by Falsterbo - Walt Disney, bred by Gerd Finck, owner Nancy Gooding/USA, trained by Hubertus Schmidt, finished his 30-day stallion performance test and finished first with a final score of 8.45. The other Licensed stallion Florimon by Falsterbo-Defacto, breeder: Gerd Finck, owner: Ira Denkhaus, Kempke Hof, was the winner of dressage index in his 30-day stallion performance test with a dressage score of 8.06. Three Falsterbo daughters received a State Premium at the Broodmare Show in Elmlohe in 2008. St.Pr.St. Fiene (breeder: Ernst Schulz, Predöhlsau) also placed at the Louis-Wiegels Show in Sandbostel. At the 127th Fritzlar Horse Market, a Falsterbo daughter named Fleury was the overall winner. His sire Fidermark was the Reserve Champion at his licensing, won his stallion performance test, became Bundeschampion in a class for riding horses and then successfully climbed the ladder to Grand Prix. More than 35 of his sons have been licensed so far. His dam St.Pr.St. Bonita won tests for young riding horses before she became a broodmare and produced Falsterbo's three full sisters who all received a State Premium. The dam's sire Brentano II won the 2003 Hanoverian Stallion of the Year award. The granddam St.Pr.St. Feline, who also won ribbons in tests for young riding horses, produced a Weltmeyer daughter called Wiona (owner: Louise and Doug Leatherdale/USA) who is a member of the Canadian dressage A-team with her rider Diane Creech. Falsterbo's Oboe dam line also brought forth numerous licensed stallions as well as Ann Kathrin Linsenhoff's dressage European Champion, Sterntaler-Unicef. Info courtesy of Garner Creek Farms in Texas , please contact them directly if you are interested to buy semen: