



Finest, black Hanoverian Stallion, by (Fuerstenball / Wie Weltmeyer) born in 2011, standing approximately 16.2 1/2 hands.

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The unforgotten "winner of the heart" on the occasion of his licensing in Verden, winner of the series in dressage horse tests and a sire who seeks his equal! After unique moments at the licensing in Verden this convincing charmer had a more than successful entry into the breeding career. His foal years left nothing to be desired. There was hardly a foal show in which Finest could not make the respective winning foal. His captivating charm, unmistakable character and even the three basic gaits, blessed in equal measure with exceptional quality, he has undoubtedly passed on to his descendants. So it was possible in the last few years to provide several participants at the German Foal Championship in Lienen!

The inheritance of Finest is thus constantly on everyone's lips - this is still reflected on the auction sites of various associations again, an outstanding price spear chasing the next. A highlight was then the approvals last fall, it was raining record numbers in terms of the approved offspring of Finest. We would particularly like to highlight the Verden licensing, in which Finest was represented with 9 of his descendants. One of them was even allowed to decorate himself with the coveted premium sash and changed ownership for € 360,000. Through a total of 8 licensed sons on the most relevant Körplätzen Hannover, Oldenburg & Westphalia, this year's event was marked by Finest's signature. And also on the mare shows were already the first successes to be recorded, as well as numerous class wins and Schausiege were the result. A custom made inheritance performance in every respect.

This picture-book career is also reflected on the sporting level. After his 30-day test in Münster (breeding value of 138 points), Finest developed excellently and became a series winner in dressage horse tests with grades up to 9.0 at the age of four. So far undefeated in all his starts, he was able to win the first qualification for the Bundeschampionat of 5-year-old dressage horses in 2016 as well. Here, Finest received the third highest score of all qualified for the Bundeschampionat participants in his class. Father Fürstenball sets milestones at a very young age - he himself was a brilliant champion stallion of his licensing, HLP winner, Bundeschampion of 5-year-old dressage horses and a high-ranking participant in the world championship of six-year-old dressage horses. The mother Like Princess of the Schwindler's Trakehner family brought with her first three foals two licensed stallions and a top-class state premium Mare. Mother Father Like Weltmeyer himself u.A. attract attention as an Olympian. And Prince Thatch remains in the memory of Allen as the father of the World Cup team gold champion Piccolini under Klaus Husenbeth. More than 30 licensed stallions, numerous elite mares and countless award-winning foals have already emerged from this strain. Finest has no red factor and thus is pure dark in its inheritance (no foxes).

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Here is another young stallion that I am pleased to be the first to offer breeders her in the U.S. I have my "stamp of approval" on this outstanding youngster (as well as the quality of his frozen semen)

"FINEST" was acclaimed Hanoverian Premium Stallion in 2013. He is by the young sire Fuerstenball out of a mare by Wie Weltmeyer - Prince Thatch xx - Servus

This is just an exceedingly interesting young stallion, one of Fuerstenball's first. He shows a bit more leg and elegance than even his darling sire. From Wie Weltmeyer (Olympic mount of Emma Hindle), he has power in his engine. He shows very good elevation in his gaits, much freedom in the walk, charming, charming face and expression; swing through the loin, with freedom of the shoulders and front legs that reach up and out. His neck is very well placed, coming up and out cleanly from the chest. He is athletic and knows where his feet are at all times.

His dam is also the dam of St. Moritz Jr. This son of Wie Princess shows even more beauty, charm and movement than his older half brother. Take a good look at this exciting young stallion.

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Info courtesy of Yancey-Farms in Ocala , please contact Judy directly if you are interested to buy frozen semen:

Umjubelter Prämienhengst der Verdener Körung 2013  ein Fest der Superlative mit ganz besonderen Emotionen! Es machte jeden Tag aufs Neue große Freude, mit unserem "Sieger der Herzen" an der Hand den Verdener Boden zu betreten, denn bei jedem Auftritt wurde Finest mit herzlichem, nicht endendem Applaus und strahlenden Gesichtern empfangen. Dieser bildhübsche Rappe schafft es mit seinem charmanten Ausdruck und den drei Grundgangarten, im Gleichmaß mit Ausnahmequalität gesegnet, immer wieder zu imponieren. Hinzu kommt seine natürliche Aufrichtung und eine einzigartige Arbeitseinstellung, die ihn einfach zu ?einem Geschenk der Natur? machen ? so titulierte ihn bereits Zuchtleiter Dr. Schade im Rahmen der Körtage. Ein einwandfreies Interieur und die ständige Leistungsbereitschaft bilden die Grundsteine für seine hervorragende Rittigkeit, somit kann er die in ihn gesetzten Erwartung auch unter dem Sattel bestens erfüllen.

Diese Faszination sowie sein brilliantes Bewegungstalent basiert auf besten Dressurgenen: Sein Vater Fürstenball setzt bereits im noch jungen Alter Meilensteine - er war selber strahlender Siegerhengst seiner Körung, HLP-Sieger , wurde Bundeschampion der 5-jährigen Dressurpferde 2011 und bestätigte im Folgejahr 2012 seine Qualität mit hohen Platzierungen im Landes- und Bundeschampionat sowie bei der WM der sechsjährigen Dressurpferde. Zudem konnte er durch hocherfolgreiche Nachkommen (Siegerhengst und Preisspitze OL-Körung 2012, Siegerfohlen beim deutschen Fohlenchampionat Lienen, Spitzenfohlen auf diversen Auktionsplätzen) in all den Jahren glänzen. Die Mutter "Wie Princess" aus der Trakehner Familie der Schwindlerin brachte als erstes Fohlen den PB St. Moritz Junior auf die Welt (Prämienhengst, HLP-Reservesieger u. qualifiziert für das BC der 4-Jährigen Hengste), sodann folgte eine Vollschwester zu diesem (St.Pr.St. Samoa, ebenfalls in der begehrten Rappfarbe mit abgelegter Stutenprüfung Durchschnittsnote 8,5) und dann erblickte dieses wunderschöne Rapphengstfohlen vom Fürstenball das Licht der Welt. Aus diesem Stamm sind bereits 30 gekörte Hengste, zahlreiche Elitestuten und unzählige prämierte Fohlen hervorgegangen. Zudem wird Ihnen in der 4. Generation über Servus altbewährtes hannoversches Leistungsblut geboten.

"Meine Damen und Herren, geht es noch besser" ? - wiederum lobende Worte unseres Zuchtleiters -Diese Frage können wir Ihnen nicht beantworten, jedoch können wir Ihnen sagen, daß wir sehr stolz darauf sind, einen Hengst wie diesen anbieten zu können!

Und als kleines I-Tüpfelchen verraten wir Ihnen noch, daß Finest keinen Rotfaktor besitzt und somit reinerbig dunkel in seiner Farbvererbung ist (keine Füchse)!

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Fuerstenball Fuerst Heinrich Forestan I
St. Pr. St. Maradonna Donnerhall
St. Pr. St. Marella
Wie Princess Wie Weltmeyer Weltmyer
St. Pr. St. Daisey
Princess Prince Thatch XX

Home Up Abanos Abglanz Absatz Akzent II Alabaster Amiro Ampere Andric Aquilino Arcachon Argentan Argentinus Armani Gold HW Ballettmeister Balou du Rouet Baloubet du Rouet Baroncelli Belantis Bellissimo M Beltain Beltano Benefit Benetton Dream Benicio Bentley Bolero Bon Bravour Bon Coeur BonFire HW Bonjour Bordeaux Bossanova Boston Brantzau Breitling W Brentano II Bretton Woods Briar 899 Buckingham Caitano Califax Camerino Camirez L Campo Grande Captain Fire Candidatus Capitol's Family Caprimond Cardenio Carry Gold Caruso Centus Chacco Blue Chaccomo Champion du Lys Champion F.P Cheenook Chequille Christ Clinton II Colander Coleur Rouge Collin L Come On Competent Compliment Consul Contendro Contender Conteur Converter Cor de la Bryere Cordial Medoc Cornet's Stern D Egalite D'Accord Daddy Cool DamonHill Danciano Dancier Dancing Dynamite Dankeschoen Danny Wilde Danone Dante Weltino Dauphin Davignon Davignon II De Champ De Niro Decamerone Decor Delatio Del Cento Delacroix Rose Den Haag Depardieu Der Designer Der Lord Desperados Desperando Destano Diamond Deluxe Diamond Hit Diamonit Diarado Dimaggio Dimension Dobel's Cento Don Frederic Don Frederico Don Bedo Don Bosco Don Cardinale Don Cavallo Don Crusador Don Deluxe Don Gregory Don Juan Don Lauredo Don Nobless Don Martillo Don Primero Don Primus Don Ricoss Don Romanov Don Schufro Don Vino Donnerhall Donnerschlag Donnerschwee Donnerwetter Dormello Dragon Hill Dream of Glory Dresden Man Dresemann Dressage Royal Earl Ehrenpreis Ehrentanz Ehrentusch Eleven HW Emilio Sanchez Eminence HW Epsom Gesmeray Erdinger Escamillo Escolar Escudo I Estobar Ex Libris Fabriano Falkland Falsterbo Fantastic Farewell Federweisser Feedback Feinbrand Feiner Bedo Feiner Stern Ferragamo Fiderbach Fidermark Fidertanz Figaro Filmstar Fineliner Finest Finnigan First Ampere First Choice Fittipaldi Flatley Fleurop Florenciano Florencio Florestan 1 Floriscount Flovino Follow Me Fontane For Compliment For Final For Glory HW For Pleasure For Romance Foundation Franziskus Fred Astaire Frederico Fellini French Kiss Friendship Fuerst Fohlenhof Fuerst Fugger Fuerst Heinrich Fuerst Nymphenburg Fuerst Piccolo Fuerst Romancier Fuerst Samarant Fuerst Wallerstein Fuerstbischof Fuersten Look Fuerstenball Fuerstenreich G Ramiro Z Ganymedes Graf Goetz Graf Top Grand Cru Grand Passion Goethe Grey Flannel Gribaldi Grosso Z Hampton Harvard Herzensdieb His Highness Hochadel Hofrat Hohenstein Hotline Jack Sparrow Jazz K 2 King Arthur Krack C La Cock Lanciano Lancier Lando Lanthan Laptop Latimer Laurentino Laurentio Laureus Lauries Crusador Lauterbach Le Espoir Le Primeur Leffert Legat Lemony's Nicket Licosto Licotus Likoto xx Linaro Linton Lombard Londonderry LongChamp Lord Carnaby Lord Loxley Lord Sinclair Louis le Bon Lugano II Lugato Margue Martinez Matcho AA Matrose Mephistopheles Millennium Mon Cheri Montmartre Nantano Nintender Pablo Peking Pelegrinius Pik Bube Pik Solo Plasir d' Amour Prince Thatch Quality Quantensprung Quaterback Quattro Quicksilber Quidam de Revel Quintender Quotenkoenig Rascalino Ravallo Reccio Regazzoni Relevant Revan Riccidoff Riccio Riccione Rob Roy Rock For Me Rock Forever Rockwell Roessegnieur Rohdiamant Romancero Romanov Ronaldo Rosandro Rosario Rosenkönig Rosentau Rotspon Rouletto Rousseau Royal Blend Royal Classic Royal Diamond Royal Hit Rubignon Rubiloh Rubin Royal Rubinstein I Sacre Coeur Samaii Samarant Samba Hit I Samba Hit III Sambertino San Amour San Brasil San Rubin San Schufro Sandro Hit Sandro Boy Sandro Song Sanvaro Sarkozy Satisfaction I Schufro Schumacher Scolari Secret Sezuan Show Star Silberschmied Silvio Sion Sir Alfred Sir Donnerhall Sir Donnerhall II Sir Heinrich Sir Rubin Sir Schoelling Sir Shutterfly So Unique St.Patrick St. Shufro Stakkatol Stedinger Sunday Sunny Boy Surprice Swarovski Tailormade Temtation Tolegro Totilas Toto Jr United Valverde Veneno Vitalis Vivaldi Vivat Rex Voice Waikiki Warkant Weinzauber Welt Hit II Weltissimo Weltmeister Weltmeyer Weltpoet Weltrubin Weltruhm Wendekreis Werbellin Werther Wesley Westerland White Star Windfall Woermann Wolkenstein II Wolkentanz Wolkentanz II World Cup I Worldly Wunschtraeumer Wynton Zack Zonik Zonik One Follow Him's Schoenweide