Don Frederic, chestnut Hanoverian Stallion, by (Don Frederico / WolkentanzI) born in 2009, standing approximately 16.3 hands. Mecklenburg Champion Stallion from top line of Olympic horse Lancet Triumphant champion stallion of the Mecklenburger licensing: Don Frederic presented himself sovereign on all days of the licensing and convinced with an enourmous engagement of hindquarters and high elasticity. Sire Don Frederico has won his stallion performance test and numerous Prix St. Georges competitions and is serving for the Celle State Stud. 900 progeny are registered as competition horses including the most successful one, Isabell Werth's ingenious mover Don Johnson who placed 1st in the 2011' Grand Prix of Bremen, s'Hertogenbosch, Mannheim and Verden as well as on 2nd place in Stuttgart. Also the 23-times advanced level winner Diva Royal, who was 2010' European Team Champion for Young Riders with Stella Charlott Roth and successful at Grand Prix level under Dorothee Schneider, is sired by Don Frederico, who produced 35 licensed sons including the 2008' World Champion for Young Dressage Horses, Dramatic. Dam's sire Wolkentanz I produced several licensed sons and state premium mares and was himself Bundeschampion at his time. There are even further progeny successful at advanced (S) level on his account. He collected more than 385,000 Euro in life time winnings. Don Fredericos's dam, state premium mare What a feeling, produced also Don Frederico's licensed full-brother Downtown, premium stallion in Münster-Handorf. They are originating from a highly successful Hanoverian dam line, which presented as well Emma Hindle's Olympic and World Championship stallion Lancet, Wenzel I, Frenchman I and II, Hochfein, Western Star as well as the highly appreciated sires Argentan I and II. Don Frederic: Our promising up-and-coming stallion for sport and breeding