



QUATERBACK ; Brandenburg

Born 2003
Liver Chestnut; 16.2 1/2 Hands

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A stallion that seems like he could only come from another planet - with his light-footed, brilliant movement and perfect cadence, all eyes become riveted on Quaterback when he appears.

He was the radiant Bundeschampion of the three year old riding horses in 2006 with the highest scores for his trot and canter. The test riders in Warendorf even gave him this dream score of 10.0. Prior to this test, he had won several tests for young riding horses.

He was also the winner of his 30-day test with a final score of 9.14 in dressage, an 8.43 for jumping and an overall score of 8.88. As if it were not enough to have unbelievably dynamic movement, he was also blessed with an outstanding type.

Quaterback comes from one of the most successful mare lines of modern day. His dam Passionata is a half-sister of the unforgettable World Champion and double Bundeschampion, Poetin. Her full brothers Samba Hit I to IV put on convincing presentations at the Bundeschampionate. Samba Hit I was also a finalist in the 2006 Nürnberg Burgpokal and the sire of Samba's Diamond who became the Champion Stallion of the licensing in Berlin-Brandenburg and Sachsen-Anhalt that same year.

Quaterback's successful advanced (S) level sire Quaterman also participated in several Bundeschampionats and is deemed one of the best sires for passing on good movements in the new German States. The grandsire Quando-Quando took 15th place at the World Championships in Aachen in 2006 under Kristy Oatley-Nist. With a pedigree geared for performance from all sides and from the famous Neustädter P family, all doors are open for Quaterback.

He passes his big and fleet-footed movement to his offspring, and therefore has produced a lot of foal champions and auction foals. One of them was sold for 120.000 euros at a Hanoverian auction.

In 2012, Quaterback was the sire of a Vice-Bundeschampion.

43 sons of Quaterback are already licensed, including the 2009 and 2010 young stallion champions in Neustadt/Dosse. In addition, Quaterback has produced several premium stallions at almost all German licensings.

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Shown here after winning the Bundeschampionat division for 3year old Stallions in  2006
Scores for the Bundeschampionat:
Trot; 9.5
Canter: 10
walk 7.5
Conformation: 9.5
Overall Impression: 9.5
Licensed for Berlin-Brandenburg, Oldenburg , Hanoverian
This exceptional moving young stallion has already started his winning ways. Paired with the talented young rider, Christian Flamm of Hessen, Quaterback galloped away from the competition at the Bundeschampionate in 2006.
He started his stallion career by being named Champion of his licensing in Neustadt/Dosse in 2005.
In 2006, after the Bundeschampionate, he went on to win his 30 day test at Neustadt/Dosse with outstanding scores:
Int. 9.0
Trot 9.25
Canter 9.75
Walk 7.63
Riding qualities 9.75
Jumping 7.75


Quaterback at the Bundeschampionate in 2006

His pedigree is steeped in the traditions of the Brandenburgisches Landgestuet. His sire, Quaterman, was bred there and is by Quando-Quando , the excellent dressage competition stallion that Christy Oatley-Nist rides.

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His career in sport and breeding has been exemplary, beginning in 1995 as a top colt at the Vechta auction, continuing to become the 1c Premium winner at the stallion approval and the undisputed winner at the stallion performance test with the highest possible score of 10 for character and willingness to perform, a score of 9.5 for ride ability and a score of 9 for temperament, walk, trot and canter. Highlights in sport have been participation in the Bundeschampionat finals for 5 and 6 year old dressage horses, 5th place at the World Championships in the class for 6 year old dressage horses as well as 5th place at the Nürnberg Burgpokal 2003, prior to which he won the VTV Dressage Stallion of the Year Award. With first places in international Grand Prix in 2004 and winning World Cup B finals in Dortmund , he was then nominated for the Olympic Games in Athens ..
His off-spring are very popular because of their modern, noble looks, outstanding ride ability and strong movements and they also have the good jumping ability his pedigree promises. All of these characteristics are impressively documented in the FN's 2004 Predicted Breeding Value statistics.

He is by the significant stallion “Quattro”, whose bloodlines speak of great jumpers, yet also super movers with power and suspension. Quattro, himself, excelled in dressage, yet showed talent over fences. And well he should , being by Qredo de Paulstro. That sire line goes back to French blood through Galoubet – Alme’ Z – Ibrahim, Furioso xx.


A French stallion with an outstanding performance record and off-spring to prove his qualities as a sire. With a score of more than 130, he finished his performance test in Medingen on 2 nd place. In 1994 he became the Reserve Champion Stallion at the Oldenburg approval. In the meanwhile he has been successful internationally at shows in Caen (FRA), Leeuwarden (NL), Berlin , Munich , Geneva (CH) and Moscow . Along with many State Premium mares, he has also sired 13 licensed sons so far
and has supplied jumpers as well as dressage horses in series that have reached top international level, particularly Oliver Q under Ryuichi Obata for Japan at the Olympic Games in Athens
in 2004.

Quaterman, himself, has been a very good sire and competition horse, having qualified for the Finals of the Bundeschampionate in 2003, 2004 and 2005.

He shows the athletic ability and versatility of his sire line.

The dam line of Quaterback is a very well known and respected mare line in Brandenburg . His dam “Passionata” is by the
Beach Boy son , “Brandenburger”, who made his performance
as a jumper:


Brandenburger That sire line (Beach Boy) goes again to French blood through the stallion “Zeus”. On Brandenburger’s dam line comes the excellent Hanoverian stallin Wendekreis, admired for the excellent riding horses he produced.

Quaterback’s grand-dam is the famous mare “Poesie” by “Brentano II. Poesie is best known for her “Sandro Hit” daughter, “Poetin”, and also the Sandro Hit sons , Samba Hits I, II, III and IV!

The list of accomplishments of these offspring is tremendous. So, in Quaterback, we have depth of pedigree of athletic, multi-talented individuals. Quarterback uses his body as nothing you have ever seen. He is the talk of the town in Germany , with movements that can only be described as incredibly supple, strong and uphill.

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Info courtesy of Yancey-Farms in Ocala , please contact Judy directly if you are interested to buy frozen semen:


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Credit and thanks to Stephanie Law www.Oldenburghorse.com

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Credit and thanks to www.Eurobreederstour.com

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Credit and thanks to www.sosath.com

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Credit and thanks to www.sosath.com

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27.12.11 RBB - Geheimnisvolle Orte - Neustadt/Dosse - Das preußische Gestüt from Horse Course International on Vimeo.

An keinem anderen Ort ist Brandenburg so verspielt und vergnügt, so wild und genügsam, so heiter und verwegen wie hier: Neustadt an der Dosse, das Sanssouci der Pferde. 1788 ließ König Friedrich Wilhelm II. von Preußen das Gestüt errichten. An diesem Ort leben "Quäntchen Glück", "Samba Hit", "ChaChaCha", "Depeche Mode" und "Quaterback" - so exotisch wie ihre Namen, so eindrucksvoll ist ihr Naturschauspiel von Schönheit, Eleganz und Kraft. An keinem anderen Ort ist Brandenburg so verspielt und vergnügt, so wild und genügsam, so heiter und verwegen wie an diesem Ort: Neustadt an der Dosse, das Sanssouci der Pferde. König Friedrich Wilhelm II. von Preußen ließ das Gestüt 1788 errichten; eine einzigartige Anlage, schlicht und schön und nur einem Glanz verpflichtet: dem seiner Pferdezucht. Das Brandenburger Pferd galt bis dahin als klein und unansehnlich und war als "Sandklepper" verpönt. Mit dem Brandzeichen aus Pfeil und Schlange sollte es fortan durch seine Schnelligkeit und Gewandtheit überzeugen. Und erstklassige Hengste - importiert aus dem Vorderen Orient - sollten dafür sorgen. Mit ihnen beginnt die 220-jährige Geschichte des Brandenburger Gestüts, die zugleich ein Spiegelbild der Landesgeschichte ist. Denn die Pferde dienten nicht nur der königlichen Repräsentation, sie wurden gebraucht: als Arbeitstier für die Landwirtschaft und vor allem für die Kriege der Deutschen. Immer wieder stand dabei die Existenz des Gestüts auf dem Spiel. In den Napoleonischen Kriegen, und am Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges verlor das Gestüt seine Zucht, um wieder von vorn zu beginnen. Zu DDR-Zeiten war das Gestüt eine beliebte Adresse für Pferdehändler aus Westeuropa, die hier billig Pferde erwerben konnten und für Stewardessen der "Interflug", die auf den Rücken der Pferde ihre Kondition trainierten. Nach der Wende sorgte die "Wunderstute" Poetin für Schlagzeilen. Als "The Million Dollar Girl" tituliert, ging sie im Jahre 2003 für 2,5 Millionen Euro über den Auktionstisch. Heute ist Neustadt an der Dosse ein Mekka für Pferdeliebhaber. Auf den jährlich stattfindenden Hengstparaden präsentiert das Gestüt stolz seine neuesten Zuchterfolge. Der Film von Grimme-Preisträger Lutz Pehnert zeigt die stets bewegte und immer eng mit der Geschichte des Landes verwobene Historie eines der größten Gestüte Europas. Und erzählt von den fünf G's, die man für eine erfolgreiche Pferdezucht braucht: Gespür, Geduld, Gesundheit, Glück und ein bisschen Geld.

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Home Up Abanos Abglanz Absatz Akzent II Alabaster Amiro Ampere Andric Aquilino Arcachon Argentan Argentinus Armani Gold HW Ballettmeister Balou du Rouet Baloubet du Rouet Baroncelli Belantis Bellissimo M Beltain Beltano Benefit Benetton Dream Benicio Bentley Bolero Bon Bravour Bon Coeur BonFire HW Bonjour Bordeaux Bossanova Boston Brantzau Breitling W Brentano II Bretton Woods Briar 899 Buckingham Caitano Califax Camerino Camirez L Campo Grande Captain Fire Candidatus Capitol's Family Caprimond Cardenio Carry Gold Caruso Centus Chacco Blue Chaccomo Champion du Lys Champion F.P Cheenook Chequille Christ Clinton II Colander Coleur Rouge Collin L Come On Competent Compliment Consul Contendro Contender Conteur Converter Cor de la Bryere Cordial Medoc Cornet's Stern D Egalite D'Accord Daddy Cool DamonHill Danciano Dancier Dancing Dynamite Dankeschoen Danny Wilde Danone Dante Weltino Dauphin Davignon Davignon II De Champ De Niro Decamerone Decor Delatio Del Cento Delacroix Rose Den Haag Depardieu Der Designer Der Lord Desperados Desperando Destano Diamond Deluxe Diamond Hit Diamonit Diarado Dimaggio Dimension Dobel's Cento Don Frederic Don Frederico Don Bedo Don Bosco Don Cardinale Don Cavallo Don Crusador Don Deluxe Don Gregory Don Juan Don Lauredo Don Nobless Don Martillo Don Primero Don Primus Don Ricoss Don Romanov Don Schufro Don Vino Donnerhall Donnerschlag Donnerschwee Donnerwetter Dormello Dragon Hill Dream of Glory Dresden Man Dresemann Dressage Royal Earl Ehrenpreis Ehrentanz Ehrentusch Eleven HW Emilio Sanchez Eminence HW Epsom Gesmeray Erdinger Escamillo Escolar Escudo I Estobar Ex Libris Fabriano Falkland Falsterbo Fantastic Farewell Federweisser Feedback Feinbrand Feiner Bedo Feiner Stern Ferragamo Fiderbach Fidermark Fidertanz Figaro Filmstar Fineliner Finest Finnigan First Ampere First Choice Fittipaldi Flatley Fleurop Florenciano Florencio Florestan 1 Floriscount Flovino Follow Me Fontane For Compliment For Final For Glory HW For Pleasure For Romance Foundation Franziskus Fred Astaire Frederico Fellini French Kiss Friendship Fuerst Fohlenhof Fuerst Fugger Fuerst Heinrich Fuerst Nymphenburg Fuerst Piccolo Fuerst Romancier Fuerst Samarant Fuerst Wallerstein Fuerstbischof Fuersten Look Fuerstenball Fuerstenreich G Ramiro Z Ganymedes Graf Goetz Graf Top Grand Cru Grand Passion Goethe Grey Flannel Gribaldi Grosso Z Hampton Harvard Herzensdieb His Highness Hochadel Hofrat Hohenstein Hotline Jack Sparrow Jazz K 2 King Arthur Krack C La Cock Lanciano Lancier Lando Lanthan Laptop Latimer Laurentino Laurentio Laureus Lauries Crusador Lauterbach Le Espoir Le Primeur Leffert Legat Lemony's Nicket Licosto Licotus Likoto xx Linaro Linton Lombard Londonderry LongChamp Lord Carnaby Lord Loxley Lord Sinclair Louis le Bon Lugano II Lugato Margue Martinez Matcho AA Matrose Mephistopheles Millennium Mon Cheri Montmartre Nantano Nintender Pablo Peking Pelegrinius Pik Bube Pik Solo Plasir d' Amour Prince Thatch Quality Quantensprung Quaterback Quattro Quicksilber Quidam de Revel Quintender Quotenkoenig Rascalino Ravallo Reccio Regazzoni Relevant Revan Riccidoff Riccio Riccione Rob Roy Rock For Me Rock Forever Rockwell Roessegnieur Rohdiamant Romancero Romanov Ronaldo Rosandro Rosario Rosenkönig Rosentau Rotspon Rouletto Rousseau Royal Blend Royal Classic Royal Diamond Royal Hit Rubignon Rubiloh Rubin Royal Rubinstein I Sacre Coeur Samaii Samarant Samba Hit I Samba Hit III Sambertino San Amour San Brasil San Rubin San Schufro Sandro Hit Sandro Boy Sandro Song Sanvaro Sarkozy Satisfaction I Schufro Schumacher Scolari Secret Sezuan Show Star Silberschmied Silvio Sion Sir Alfred Sir Donnerhall Sir Donnerhall II Sir Heinrich Sir Rubin Sir Schoelling Sir Shutterfly So Unique St.Patrick St. Shufro Stakkatol Stedinger Sunday Sunny Boy Surprice Swarovski Tailormade Temtation Tolegro Totilas Toto Jr United Valverde Veneno Vitalis Vivaldi Vivat Rex Voice Waikiki Warkant Weinzauber Welt Hit II Weltissimo Weltmeister Weltmeyer Weltpoet Weltrubin Weltruhm Wendekreis Werbellin Werther Wesley Westerland White Star Windfall Woermann Wolkenstein II Wolkentanz Wolkentanz II World Cup I Worldly Wunschtraeumer Wynton Zack Zonik Zonik One Follow Him's Schoenweide