



Vitalis, chestnut KWPN Stallion, by (Vivaldi / D-Day) born in 2007, standing approximately 17 hands.

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High quality Grand Prix offspring

Vitalis transmits the winning gene: Valesco/Fabienne Müller-Lütkemeier/GER was unbeatable in his first Grand Prix season in the CDI4* Tour at the CHIO Aachen, came third in the Louisdor Prize Final and was awarded the Otto Lörke Prize for the best young dressage horse. Valencia AS/Fabienne Müller-Lütkemeier was placed second in the final of the Louisdor Prize. Vayron/Helen Langehanenberg/GER won the Grand Prix in Ankum. Vamos Amigos/Cathrine Dufour/DEN took the fourth place in the World Cup Freestyle in Lyon/FRA. First-Step Valentin/Larissa Pauluis/BEL took part in the European Championships. Vinay NRW/Ellen Richter/GER won the team gold medal in the U25 European Championships and won the gold medal in the U25 German Championships.

Van der Veen was victorious in Small Tour with Carl Hedin/SWE. In 2016, Victoria's Secret became World Champion in Ermelo after winning the German Championships the year before. Valentin H/Ines Knoll won the gold medal at the DSP Championships and at the Baden-Württember Regional Championships (3y.o.). Violetta D won the silver medal and Vanilla Sky won the bronze medal.

The number of Vitalis' licensed sons now amounts to over 50, with the stallions Valverde NRW (Champion Stallion, triple Westphalian Champion, German Champion and fourth at the World Championships for young dressage horses), Vogue (Westphalian Reserve Champion, 940,000 Euro Stallion Market top price), Vitalos (German and Hanoverian Champion 4y.o.) and Viva Vitalis (Mecklenburg Champion Stallion), as well as Villeneuve (Reserve Champion, Vice World Champion, third at the German Championships and eighth in the Burg Cup), Vaderland (Westphalian Reserve Champion and Regional Championships bronze medallist) and Va’Pensiero (German and Hanoverian Champion 3y.o.) clearly standing out.

The Champion Mares Va’Pensiera (Hanover), Vienna (Westphalia), Virginia K (Rhineland) and Valerie (Baden-Württemberg) stand out amongst around 100 state premium mares. The latter also secured gold at the DSP Championships with Nicola Haug and bronze at the Baden-Württemberg Regional Championships (3y.o.).

Vitalis’ foals often reach top prices: the colt Vardy was sold for 120,000 Euros at the Oldenburg Elite Auction. With a knock-down price of 61,000 Euros, Vermeer was the price highlight of the Elite Foal Auction in Vechta in 2021.

Vitalis was Champion Foal in the Netherlands in 2007, Reserve Champion of the NRW licensing in 2009, winner of the dressage index of his stallion performance test in 2010, placed at the World Championships and Pavo Cup final in 2012, Champion in the USA and again qualified for the World Championships with a record number of points in 2013 and victorious in the International Small Tour at only seven years old in 2014. He came back to Germany and, in 2016, ridden by Isabel Freese, he won the Burg Cup final in Frankfurt and the "Stallion of the year" competition at Inter I level at the World Championships in Ermelo/NED.

Vitalis was Vivaldi’s first licensed stallion. Vivaldi was Reserve Champion of his stallion performance test in the Netherlands. In 2007, he won the Pavo Cup for five-year-old dressage horses and in 2008 and 2009, ridden by Hans Peter Minderhoud/NED, he won the KNHS/KWPN stallion competition, where he was awarded 10 for his trot. He was then internationally successful up to Prix St. Georges. In 2013, he won the VHO trophy at the KWPN licensing. After that, he was predominantly used for breeding and Vivaldi produced numerous exceptional stallions, namely in the Netherlands with Desperado N.O.P./Emmelie Scholtens/NED, Glock’s Dream Boy N.O.P./Hans Peter Minderhoud/NED, Expression/Diederik van Silfhout/NED, Eye Catcher and Ferdinand, and in Germany with Van Vivaldi (Westphalian Reserve Champion), Versace (Oldenburg Reserve Champion), Cennin/Madeleine Witte-Vrees/NED (Oldenburg Ic main premium stallion), Veneziano/Daniel Bachmann Andersen/DEN (second Oldenburg Reserve Champion), Livaldon (Hanoverian premium stallion) as well as Vivino, record top price of the Stallion Market, sold for over two million euros and Hanoverian premium stallion.

His dam Tolivia was the three-year-old Champion Mare in the Netherlands. Vitalis’ full brother My Vitality is a Danish premium stallion and won the gold medal at the Danish Championships for four-year-old dressage horses in 2021.

The dam’s sire D-Day was Oldenburg premium stallion in 1994, and winner of his stallion performance test in Neustadt/D in 1996. In sport, he won competitions up to Small Tour. From a breeding perspective, he particularly left his mark in the Netherlands and in Sweden.

The great-grand-sire Argus was successful in Grand Prix in dressage but also in show jumping and Aktion J, who follows in the fourth generation counts as one of the most successful dressage stallions of his generation ridden by Gyula Dallos/HUN.

Vitalis was the 2009 Reserve Champion of the Westphalian Licensing in Germany. In 2007, he was the Foal Champion in the Netherlands, and now he is the first approved son out of Vivaldi's debut as a sire.

Vivaldi is one of the most desired dressage progenitors of his generation, and descends out of the highly appreciated Utopia line. Vivaldi's half sister Wiona Utopia became champion at the national mare show in 2006. With Krack C (Anky van Grunsven), Jazz (Tineke Bartels) and Cocktail (Anky van Grunsven) we see three generations of Grand Prix horses in a row in Vivaldi's pedigree.

As a five year old, Vivaldi won the Pavo Cup, and he is currently ready to start Grand Prix under Hans Peter Minderhoud. Out of his first years of breeding, Vivaldi has an excellent group of successors. In 2009, eight out of ten foals selected for the finals of the Foal Championship descended from Vivaldi. As a three year old, the Vitalis' dam was the mare champion of the Dutch province of Limburg. His damsire, D-day, was successful at Prix St George, and his great grandsire Argus was successful at Grand Prix level in both dressage and jumping. The stallion Aktion, out of the fourth generation, competed internationally at Grand Prix very successfully having placed in the top ten multiple times in the FEI World Cup Finals of Dressage.



VITALIS ist der Erste Reservesieger der NRW-Hauptkörung 2009. 2007 war er bereits Siegerhengstfohlen beim Holländischen Fohlenchampionat und der erste gekörte Sohn aus dem Debütantenjahrgang des Vivaldi. Bei seiner HLP 2010 in Warendorf dominierte er mit 129,7 Punkten den Dressurindex, sein Springindex wurde hochgerechnet. Hervorragend wurden alle drei Grundgangarten, sowie Rittigkeit, Charakter und Temperament mit Wertnoten von 8,5 und besser bewertet.

Sein Vermögen zeigte VITALIS ebenso unter Turnierbedingungen und konnte bereits früh einige Siege und Platzierungen in Dressurpferdeprüfungen in Deutschland für sich verbuchen. Unter anderem platzierte er sich unter den Top-Fünf im Reitpferdechampionat in Lingen. Später von dem niederländischen Championatsreiter Hans Peter Minderhoud auf Turnieren vorgestellt, konnte er Platzierungen beim niederländischen Hengstchampionat verbuchen und sorgte in Nachwuchsprüfungen für Furore. In 2012 qualifizierten sie sich außerdem zur Weltmeisterschaft der fünfjährigen Dressurpferde. Hier ging VITALIS mit guten Runden unter Marieke van der Putten für die Niederlande an den Start, da sein eigentlicher Reiter zu diesem Zeitpunkt bei den Olympischen Spielen in London mit dabei war. Mittlerweile wird er in den USA weiter auf seine sportliche Zukunft hin vorbereitet.

Nicht nur in sportlicher Hinsicht ist VITALIS ein Ausnahmehengst. Mit seinem ersten Fohlenjahrgang in 2011 sorgte er bereits für Aufsehen und stellte Preishighlights bei der NRW Pedigree-Auktion und bei den Fohlen im Lot der NRW Elite-Auktion. Zahlreiche Nachkommen sorgten in Schauringen als Siegerfohlen für Furore und qualifizierten sich für das Deutsche Fohlenchampionat in Lienen. Mit drei Nachkommen unter den Top-Ten sorgte er hier für Aufsehen als dominierender Vererber.

Sein Vater ist wohl der begehrteste Dressurvererber seiner Generation in Holland und stammt aus dem hoch angesehenen Utopia - Stamm. Vivaldis Halbschwester Wiona Utopia war 2006 holländische Siegerstute. In Vivaldis Pedigree finden sich mit Krack C (Anky van Grunsven), Jazz (Tineke Bartels) und Cocktail (Anky van Grunsven) gleich drei internationale Grand Prix Pferde in Folge. Vivaldi konnte bereits fünfjährig den Pavo Cup (NL Meisterschaft) gewinnen und ist inzwischen ebenfalls Grand Prix fertig. Er ist ebenfalls unter dem Sattel von Hans Peter Minderhoud, dessen Sponsor Exquis den Hengst 2009 für einen Rekordpreis zur Hälfte erworben hat. Vivaldi verfügt bereits mit seinen ersten Jahrgängen über exzellente Nachzucht. In den zwölf holländischen Provinzen konnte 2009 achtmal ein Vivaldifohlen den Sieg erringen. Im Rahmen des NL Fohlenchampionates 2009 befanden sich unter den ersten 10 platzierten allein acht seiner Nachkommen.

VITALIS Mutter Tolivia war dreijährig Siegerstute der Provinz Limburg/NL. Muttervater D-day ist im Dressursport eingesetzt und erfolgreich bis zum Prix St. George. Der Urgroßvater Argus war sowohl in der Dressur als auch im Springen Grand Prix erfolgreich und der, in weitere Generation folgende, Aktion kann ebenfalls Dressurerfolge bis zum Grand Prix vorweisen.



I have watched Vitalis ever since he was named the Reserve Champion of the Westfalen stallion licensing in 2010. He is the first son of VIVALDI to be licensed. With a wonderful character, smooth and very correct conformation, excellent suppleness and freedom of movement, I see him as a very interesting choice for our broodmare base here. More than that, however, his foals are WONDERFUL !!!! I was very impressed with the consistent quality of his offspring in the Westfalen region this past season. It is a rare young stallion that can show such consistent quality in his first crop. I immediately went to work to have him available for the U.S. He is now ridden by Hans Peter Mindenhoud, and is in Holland. He is currently in the KWPN stallion competitions, where he has been placing well. We look forward to him also being licensed KWPN next month. Please study this lovely pedigree: He is by Vivaldi (Krack C - Jazz - Ulft) and his dam is KWPN mare Tolivia (D-Day - Argus - Aktioin - Uniform) Lovely pedigree, with a touch of Oldenburg through D-Day (Donnerschwee - Welt As - Goldpilz)

Info courtesy of Yancey-Farms in Ocala , please contact Judy directly if you are interested to buy frozen semen:




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Vivaldi Krack C Flemmingh pref
Gicara II keur pref prest
Renate-Utopia ster pref Jazz pref
Darla-Utopia ster pref
Tolivia ster prok D-Day Donnerschwee
Nalivia ster Argus
Folivia keur pref prest


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