
October 10th, 2022:

Two blue ribbons for Zonik Hit HW, owner is Martina Strassfeld Veltmaat, she sent the following message:

We showed Zonnie for the first time this weekend at the Regional Championships in Conyers. He was a pro, of course!!

This was a very big show with lots going on all around but Zonnie was a TOTAL CHAMPION!!!

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January 29th, 2022:

Congratulations to Jacqueline Brooks and Blind Date HW (aka Maggie), glad they are able to winter in Florida, instead of Canada:

First Florida show!

 First Third level

l First Win!

 Go Maggie!!

We love you!!!

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December 12th, 2022:

Not only is Fizau aka Fitz HW winning Intermediare I multiple times with Jessica O’Donnell, he was also 5th in the PSG Championships.

 Congratulations to this successful team, he was purchased sight unseen a 4 year old young horse from www.HWfarm.com

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December 1st, 2022:

Ahhhh, love all the news concerning our Eleven HW, thank you Eurodressage!

Eleven HW, Highest Score of the 2022 Adelheidsdorf 50-Day Stallion Performance Test.

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November 30th, 2022:

Tyra Vernon, Ivo Jührend, Janet Foy and BonFire HW at the Janet Foy clinic at the Big Rock Equestrian Center.

What an amazing team, looking and doing wonderful.

Tyra posted, he was a total rock star!

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November 23rd, 2022: 

Shelley Brown posted the following: Santiago HW Caledon Dressage year end champion AA Prix St. George, Int 1. Good boy, Sancho.

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November 2022:

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Rough translation from the stallion station site:

Eleven HW champion of the the 50-day stallion test! This youngster from our station also had his first public appearance in front of an audience on the Breeders' Sunday in Warendorf. Eleven HW presented herself under Annika with excellent movement dynamics and grew from lap to lap. Experienced breeders immediately recognized what a talent this young lad has and used him in his first breeding season. Since the blood of the Escamillo was in focus at the licensing with other representatives and Eleven HW was not yet presented at the time, we started the season calmly and without great expectations. In the middle of the year, Steffi presented him at a tournament and the couple won right away. This was a good basis for sending Eleven HW to the 50-day test. Surely nobody there had him on their radar. However, when his test started, he made a lasting impression on the experienced championship judges, which he confirmed through the intermediate test up to the end of the 50-day test. On the last day, the son of Escamillo still completed his rounds powerful and with a lot of dynamic, so that he was able to finish the test as the champion with a remarkable score of 8.78. We are very happy about the development of this exceptional talent and are sure that something very special is maturing here.

November 2022:

A super special event and result for Eleven HW, he was named the champion of the 50 day 2022 stallion performance test in Adelheidsdorf:

He truly showed himself consistent and super willing throughout the whole, long test. The judges gave him 6 x 9’s and 4 x 8.5’s, for a phenomenal total of 8.78

Interior 9
Character 9
Willingness to work 9
Trot 9
Canter 9
Walk 8.5
Ride ability 8.5
Jumping 8.5
Overall impression 9
Ride ability test rider 8.5
Total: 8.78

A huge thank you to all whom made it possible, wow, just blown away by this phenomenal result.

For semen orders, please contact the stallion station Rüscher-Konerman at:


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October 9th, 2022:

Georgia, horse park, Pamela Aide posted the following:

Just going to say this…WOW Satisfaction HW (aka Rico)… What else can I say? 4/4 , ribbons in every class, against super competition, this baby held his own amongst the big dogs. He topped it off today in his third level freestyle, as the top open score. I am happy to say that the future of dressage is GREAT, since only the jr/young riders were able to beat him today!

The good judge gave him a 72%!!!!

Thank you Irene Hoeflich-Wiederhold for breeding and trusting me with this gem, Satisfaction HW

Such a long list of people to thank for these opportunities, but topping it is the world’s best sister, Keli Ward- Harrelson. The pictures, the turnout, the day to day trials and tribulations, and all the emotional support I have no right to expect-all Keli work.

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October 7th, 2022:

Red ribbon in Canada is victory, here go congratulations to Santiago HW and Shelley Brown.

Well done, this team is together since she bought him site unseen in 2011, victorious and fit as ever, so happy to see this. WIN/WIN!

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October 7th, 2022:

The Horse And Hound in the UK, published this today: Dressage Future Elite winners at HOYS: where are they now?

Anders Dahl and Selten HW, home bred by HWfarm, Irene Hoeflich-Wiederhold, born in the USA, he made all my breeders dreams come true and then some.

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September 18th, 2022:

Tyra Vernon posted the following:

BonFire HW

Down centerline for the first time!! WEC is a lot to take in for a young horse but he handled it like a champ. Huge thanks to Ivo Jührend for his expertise riding and Jaron Verheij for guiding the way! What a great team! Fantastic weekend with great friends and a start to Bonfire’s journey in the show ring! First score in the books a 71.5%.

Another huge thanks to all BonFire’s barn aunties and fans that came to cheer him on! I’m pretty sure we had the biggest fan club of the show for a ride! You guys are the best! Let the journey begin!!!

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August 30th, 2022:

Purchased as a 4 year old young horse from www.HWfarm.com - Fizau aka Fitz HW with Jessica O’Donnell, are now winning Intermediare I multiple times with High Score FEI open. What a super team! Jessica posted, he was basically running onto the trailer for their second day of showing, all ready to go and that he is always such a pleasure, ready to work and happy to do it.

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Copyright and credit for these beautiful pictures: Sage Fire Photography

August 26th, 2022:

USA Dressage posted the following: Laura Graves & SenSation HW are #USADressage Intermediate I National Champions!

The combination scored a 75.104% to take the top spot at the U.S. Dressage Festival of Champions.

Laura Graves & SenSation HW took the top prize, but ALL of our ribbon winners are the stars of this prize gallery from the U.S. Dressage Festival of Champions Intermediate I National Championship!

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August 24th, 2022:

2022 U.S. Dressage Championships, Lamplight:

Laura Graves & SenSation HW Win Festival of Champions Int. 1 for 2nd Victory in National Small Tour! Laura Graves and SenSation HW delivered another winning ride after yesterday's victory in the Prix St Georges. Love the many news press articles, it's amazing to watch another HWfarm horse to compete and win his classes, exactly where our homebred and born in the USA Selten HW broke the record and won as the only horse in history, the Young Horse Championships 3 year in a row. HWfarm horses rock!

Watch the winning ride here

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copyright Eurodressage

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copyright US Equestrian

SenSation HW is currently owned by Scott and Carol McPhee.

August 22nd, 2022:

2022 U.S. Dressage Championships, Lamplight, congratulations to everyone who made it possible: Laura Graves and SenSation HW, winning the USEF Intermediaire I Dressage National Championship. SenSation HW is a stunning and successful HW horse, raised by Irene Hoeflich-Wiederhold's HWfarm and purchased sight unseen to the USA. After being imported, he first claimed the title of Markel/USEF Young Horse Champion as a five-year-old and six-year-old in 2018 and 2019, in the professional hands of Michael Bragdell and Hilltop Farms before Laura Graves took over the ride. At the end of 2019, SenSation HW also won the USDF Third Level Open Championship.

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copyright Eurodressage

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copyright US Equestrian

SenSation HW is currently owned by Scott and Carol McPhee.

August 21st, 2022:

Congratulations to Jacqueline Brooks and Blind Date HW (aka Maggie). How wonderful to see them win at 3rd level, with 71.125%, what a great team they are.

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August 20th, 2022:

Synergy HW did it again, this time victory with 8.30, what a super well behaved, fancy young gentleman he is. He sure makes us very proud, thank you to the whole team who made this possible. Synergy HW is currently available - curious who is new mommy or daddy will be?!

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August 17th, 2022:

Class of 13 and Eleven HW wins it all, what an amazing horse, thank you to the whole team who made it possible.

Nearly all 8's and victory at his first horse show, perfect start. Yes, pretty is - what pretty does, he sure does!

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August 5th, 2022:

Pretty is, what pretty does? Fantastic result again for Sir Dynamic HW, another victory with 8.5, so proud and happy to see this, thankful to the whole team who makes this possible!

Curious who his new mommy/daddy will be in the future, this is one for the big ring, he will be a piaffing/passaging machine, all info at www.HWfarm.com

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July 22nd, 2022:

Sir Dynamic HW keeps collecting the ribbons, victory with 8.6 in a dressage horse class A (First Level), making us all happy. What a super nice horse, he's ready for his new/mommy or daddy, curious to see who it'll be!

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July 21st, 2022:

Valentin HW, first time out and scored an 8.0, what a super good boy he is, congratulations to this team!

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June 17th, 2022:

How wonderful to see this, congratulations to Feeling HW and Carol McPhee, Silver Medal award, perfection!

Carol McPhee posted: My heart horse Feeling HW - self developed with great coaches along the way.

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June 11th, 2022:

Victory, congratulations to Secret Affaire HW, his rider and his US owner Judy Bergquist. She sent him back to Germany to compete and he wins his class, gotta love it. The German rider said he’s the best horse he has ever ridden. What a compliment.

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June 6th, 2022:

It's not bragging, if you can do it?

Third Level and Fourth Level Adequan/USDF Rhineland All-Breeds Awards champions by HWfarm!

Congratulations to Empire HW (Tracy Cook & Nadine Schwartsman ) and Feeling HW (Carol McPhee & team).

Very thankful to see this, in addition, Carol's comment next to her picture is priceless, thank you so much for loving HWfarm horses as much as you do.

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June 5th, 2022:

Congratulations to Santiago HW and his first/only owner who bought him sight unseen from us, Shelley Brown.

They celebrate their first victory at Intermediate 1, how amazing to see this team going all the way up the levels, more to come!

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May 30th 2022

Kimberley Rene Dougherty posted:

First horse show of 2022 in the books! SuziQ (She’s Magic HW) danced her way to two qualifying scores for regionals at third level for the first time with confidence. Thanks to my village that has helped me develop her so far! This weekend wouldn’t have been possible without Claudia Szidat helping me groom and my parents for always supporting my dreams. Huge thanks to Dressage Days at Stockade for always running such a fun, friendly, and professional show!

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April 20th 2022:

Laura Graves Debuts Sensation HW at CDI. SenSation HW is owned by Carol and Scott McPhee:

OCALA, Florida, April 15, 2022–Anna Marek riding Duvel in their second CDI Small Tour competition won the World Equestrian Center 3* Friday while Laura Graves made her international debut on SenSation HW for runner-up.

Anna of the nearby community of Dunnellon and the 14-year-old KWPN gelding were awarded 73.088% for the win. It was only their second international competition, the first a year ago.

Laura of Geneva, Florida and the nine-year-old Westfalen gelding scored 72.353% for second place. Laura  took over the ride on SenSation HW two years ago after the horse was competed by Michael Bragdell to capture the U.S. championship at both five and six years of age.

Duvel was returning to competition after a year’s break because Anna was pregnant.

She described Duvel as “a very sensitive horse, and he was scared of some of the movements.”

But at this show, she said, “What was really fun is that he was very relaxed but just got a little bit pumped up by the atmosphere. It totally worked for him. Everything was really solid, and he was with me the whole time. He got through a clean test. I know that when he does, he can score very well.”

Laura said she was impressed by SenSation HW's first CDI and the horse was “very impressed with the arena,” large and in front of the imposing Equestrian Hotel with flags flapping in the breeze and a giant video display.

“We didn’t get a chance to show in Wellington, but got a chance to school,” she said. “This is certainly a lot more atmosphere than the stadium in Wellington we’re used to.”

The duo need one more score to qualify for the U.S. Intermediate 1 Championship later this summer and then plans to move up to Intermediate II.

. © 2022 Ken Braddick/dressage-news.com

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April 19th, 2022:

Nancy Smith posted the following, I remember vividly how excited she was when she got him as a young horse from us, look how this team grew, those scores and now at Grand Prix - priceless:

Nancy Smith: "Feeling blessed over the weekend with Damon’s Design HW, winning both of his Grand Prix classes at the Gold Coast Finale in Wellington. Our new brow-band purchased from Show Chic brought us good luck and good scores,72.2% with marks of 8’s and even a 9 on our piaffe and passage! Heartfelt thanks to Sarah Bushong Weeks, Mary Anne Milleman, Lee Tubman and Claudio Oliviera. It takes a village!" 

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March 30th, 2022:

How nice to see this success, Francis HW and Jennifer in Wellington, at Adequan Global Dressage Festival:

Summervale Premier Dressage (Jennifer Schrader-Williams Dressage), posted the following: Francis HW made his Intermediare 2 debut this past week for a 70%. Fenn is owned by Lisa Norling and was purchased as a 4 year old from HWfarm. It’s been such a journey with this handsome young man who is turning 10 this year! Thank you Lisa for trusting me to develop your sweet boy! Thank you to The Dressage Foundation for the beautiful pad and to our team that has kept Fenn feeling and looking his best this season.

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March 22nd, 2022:

Carol McPhee posted the following about SenSation HW, currently with Laura Graves:

Love this black pearl - so appreciative for his previous development and so excited for him. And Laura is the BEST dance partner. I love all of the 5 HW's that I have purchased.





March 12th, 2022:

Nancy Smith posted the following:

Damon’s Design HW doing his first Grand Prix. It has been a wonderful journey from purchasing him as a 4 year old from Horses Worldwide (HWfarm) to this moment. Thank you so much to Sarah Bushong-Weeks for giving me the opportunity to work with this special horse. I am looking forward to continuing this journey into the International arena and beyond!!!

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March 7th, 2022:

Janet Foy visiting Bonfire HW in stallion quarantine, she posted the following:

Meeting Tyra Vernon’s new Hanoverian stallion Bonfire HW today. He passed the smooch test!

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March 5th, 2022:

Look at that, Synergy HW scored an 8.2 and victory at his first horse show ever, dressage horse class A (1st level). 2nd place went to For Glory HW, with 8.0 - licensed stallion (currently not for sale), two HWfarm horses on top - looking good.

 Congratulations to Steffi Ahlert, Annika Schnüpke and team, well done. Can't wait to see who the future mom or dad of Synergy HW will be?! All info at www.HWfarm.com

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March 3rd, 2022:

Look at Carol McPhee with her HW horses, always a pleasure. She is learning so much and working on developing them up the levels, with the help of a team.

Feeling HW won 4th level both days in a field of open riders and Finest Dream HW places 2nd and 3rd at 2nd level against all others, with a 9 and “wow” and with an 8 on the other, on the score sheet for his simple change and an 7.5 for the medium trots, at the World Equestrian Center - Ocala.

Love to see them doing so well, congratulations to all, well done!

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March 1st, 2022:

Laura Graves & SenSation HW win the FEI Prix St. Georges (USEF Qualify) at the World Equestrian Center - Ocala.

SenSation HW in the news again, congratulations to Laura Graves, Scott McPhee, Carol McPhee and team, so much fun to watch.

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Copyright Andrew Ryback Q2 Photography





February 19th, 2022:

Look at Feeling HW with his mom Carol McPhee in the saddle. All self made and loving it. Congratulations to this team and their biggest supporter Scott McPhee, this journey is so amazing to watch.

She posted the following:

My Horse Feeling HW  - 4th Level AA 2021 All Breeds - American Rhineland Assoc (AHS) Excited for our FEI Debut in March -

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February 3rd, 2022:

This one goes out to Michelle Rozzano Gerlach, who really doesn't want to brag each time she is successful, but so truly deserves to be mentioned. Forbes HW is her mount since many years, yes, purchased sight unseen and is now a victorious FEI horse, winning multiple 4th level classes at WEC in December 2021 and January 2022, as well as showing for the first time at PSG!

Congratulations, so VERY happy for you, Michelle, absolutely dedicated to this sport and her horses. Love it! Their relationship shows on so many levels ??

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February 1st, 2022:

Look at this super team, now they are the proud owners of the USDF 4th level Open and 4th Level Amateur reward.

Well done, Carol McPhee and team, wonderful to see Feeling HW and you having so much fun and success. Congratulations! Another FEI horse!

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October 24th, 2022:

World Equestrian Center - Ocala

Congratulations to BonFire HW and team, 2 blue ribbons, how awesome to see.

Tyra Vernon posted:

BonFire HW laid down great scores winning both his first level tests with a 74.2% and 72.7% expertly ridden by Ivo Jührend.

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