
November 30th, 2023:

So happy to see Empire HW, who was purchased sight unseen, in this ad with his trainer Nadine Schwartsman, the two are quite successful, collecting ribbons, sashes and championship titles.

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October 14th, 2023: 

Oh my oh my, they don’t come any prettier than BonFire HW.

Huge congratulations to his owner Tyra Vernon and his rider Brie Seltser Haskins, BonFire HW placed 2nd in the 1st level Freestyle and 4th in the Training level open Championship, receiving his ticket to compete at the nationals in Kentucky. Well done, so proud of the entire team, thank you for trusting me and for purchasing this super boy sight unseen. Win/win!

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October 8th, 2023:

Nadine Schwartsman is with Tracy Cook and posted:

I don’t even know what to say about this little guy anymore. His big little full brother Escamillo is winning all the things in Europe so Empire HW thought he would win some things on this side of the Atlantic.

Region 6 Fourth Level Freestyle Champion with over 70%!!! His third neck ribbon in three days.

I’m scratching him tomorrow out of his open class and he will just hang out and eat all the grass on Noah Rattner’s hill.

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October 7th, 2023:

Congratulations on even more Empire HW (full brother to the famous licensed stallion Escamillo) news, Nadine Schwartsman posted:

And today Region 6 Open Prix St Georg Reserve Champion with a fabulous ride in a competitive class!!!

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October 6th, 2023:

Congratulations to Nadine Schwartsman, Tracy Cook and Empire HW (full brother to Escamillo), Nadine posted:

Empire HW won the first Championship of the week.

Cool, calm, collected and totally grown up!

Region 6 Fourth Level Open Champion with 71.388%!

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October 5th, 2023:

Congratulations to this new team, Bezos Boy HW was purchased sight unseen and makes us all happy and proud.

Sammi Sposi posted the following: Talk about a show!! I couldn’t be more proud of you Lynk (aka Bezos Boy HW), you really showed me what you can do and i know this is only the beginning, getting me 3 2nd places and 1 1st!! Thank you to Tracey Krajenke for all your help and taking me with you!! Mickie Krajenke your photos were perfect. Can’t wait for the future and what’s ahead of us Lynk.

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August 23rd, 2023:

Congratulations to Fürst HW (purchased sight unseen) and his wonderful team, Michele posted the following:

Such a fun weekend with my big horse, as we finally got into the show-ring! We both learned so much and improved day over day. Many thanks to Lauren Tucker for continuing to support me and for not listening to me when I originally said “I don’t want to show” over a year ago when finding my Fürst HW. Apparently I lied.

And thank you to all my barn family peeps that showed up to cheer us on! And finally, Johnny Hoff, you being there was the icing on the cake. You putting up with all the shenanigans of it all is so amazing. And ending the weekend going out with you was just what I needed.

Michele Vogel Perry

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July 25, 2023:

Magic Moon HW He was one of our first US imports/sales and is still with the same owner. Now already 22 years old and still a happy camper. My granddaughter loved to feed him yesterday. Lucky boy.

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July 24th, 2023:

Congratulations to BonFire HW and team, Tyra Vernon and Brie Seltser Haskins and whom ever else helped. So rewarding to hear he scored a 76.5% and made everyone happy. He looks great with a sash on!

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May 8th, 2023:

BonFire HW, owned by Tyra Vernon, scored a beautiful 80.5% and won both of his classes. Congratulations to the whole team, what a wonderful horse and experience for all, win/win.

Brie Seltser Haskins What an amazing day with team BREC aboard Tyra Vernon's incredible boy, BonFire HW. This guy rocked around like the champion he is and scored an 80.5%! We were all smiles....but how can I not be sitting on BonFire HW. What a fun day with amazing ponies. Huge thank you to Tyra and Team BREC as always. And Jimmy Haskins for being behind the camera today.

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April 18th, 2023:

My lifetime and forever partner: SANDRO (aka Special Edition HW, Irene Hoeflich-Wiederhold) at The Stable Dressage. After more than 13 years together, I still can't wait to come back in the ring with you! Yes, he is already 18 yo …a real love story, MY UNICORN


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March 15th, 2023:

Absolutely love this and for sure VERY happy to see Francis HW doing well and shining in the lamplight with Jennifer Schrader-Williams.

They make such a great team.

Summervale Premier Dressage posted at Adequan Global Dressage Festival, Wellington, FL Friday Night Light’s in the books for team Purina in this years Challenge of the America’s benefit for breast cancer research! Over 3.3 millione dollars has been raised since this event began in 2002! Honored to be apart of such a fantastic event on Francis HW owned by Lisa Norling. #survivor #breastcancer #breastcancerawareness #breastcancersupport #pink @triplecrownfeed @shophalterego @heritagegloves @adeptusnutrition @pyranhalife @thinlineglobal @kepitalia @perfectproductseq @michele.haman.therapy @noblefarriery

Grateful to be part of such a supportive, hardworking, fun loving team.

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March 5th, 2023:

This is a wonderful post made by Jennifer Schrader-Williams, her client Lisa bought Francis HW sight unseen as a promising young, future FEI horse with Jennifer’s advice in 2016, look at them shining now! Pictures credit to Susan Sickle.

Jennifer Williams Dressage: Francis HW is officially a Grand Prix horse! In our last show Francis HW aka Fenn made the big step to the GP and tried his best during 90 degree temperatures! Proud of this big boy and how far he has come since coming to us at 4 1/2. Thank you Lisa Norling for the journey with him and the fun times! Looking forward to dancing under the lights next week for the Challenge of Americas Cancer Benefit with Team Purina!

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March 4th, 2023:

Oh my - the "post your lock screen" thread is so much fun, here is one of my favorites, look at all those ribbons!!!! What an amazing journey, Forbes HW, purchased sight unseen by Michelle Rozzano Gerlach as a youngster not only win PSG and I-1 with each other, they also love their work at home, she just posted some days ago, he did 10 ones!

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March 3rd, 2023:

Incredibly thankful!

Guess it's every breeders dream to own proven quality, licensed stallions, first one was my home bred, US born Selten HW as Champion Oldenburg stallion, then he even went on to break many records and was also at the Tokyo Olympics. Keep on working and dreaming, many new licensed stallions since then, including BonFire HW (now imported and owned by Tyra Vernon) and then Eleven HW, who just won the 50 day stallion testing in Germany, For Glory HW plus the new stars Armani Gold HW, Eminence HW and more in the works. Blessed and so happy to have a super team, thank you to all whom made this possible, all info is available at: Stallion station Rüscher-Konrmann.

Some you find under "for sale" at www.HWfarm.com - others/rest here: https://ruescher-konermann.de/

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February 25th, 2023:

Florida, Wellington CDI, congratulations to Damon’s Design HW and his rider Nancy Smith as well as his owner Sarah Bushong, what an amazing ride, 70.125% and 5th place in the big arena, with lots of high quality horses and a huge audience. So proud of this team!

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January 23rd, 2023:

What an amazing journey and ride, Forbes HW, purchased sight unseen by Michelle Rozzano Gerlach as a youngster not only win PSG and I-1 with each other, they also love their work at home, she just posted he did 10 ones today!

Gosh, love that smile and his smart face.

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January 2023:

Congratulations to Nancy Smith riding Damons Design HW at the WCD Wellington Season Kick off horse show hosted by The Jim Brandon Equestrian Center and presented by N2 Saddlery's @jdboulwarein West Palm Beach, Florida

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January 4th, 2023:

Horses4your Consideration publishes the following article:


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