Extra Nice HW




Extra Nice HW, black Hanoverian gelding, by Emilio Sanchez/Silberschmied, born in 2020, standing approximately 168 cm or 16.2 hands.

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Extra Nice HW, is a clone to his sire, in everything we could hope for. He is by the Hanoverian Champion Emilio Sanchez - the epitome of a model sire. An outstanding winner of the stallion performance test 2016in Neustadt/Dosse Emilio proved his qualities as dressage horse. With a dressage-emphasized total result of 8.58 the Hunnesrücker offspring convinced completely. For his outstanding paces, his honest character and his always balanced temperament the judges rewarded Emilio with dream grades of up to 9.5. His excellent development showed first during the tournament season in 2016. Victories in riding horse competitions and the win in the riding horse championship at the Lohberg are among his successes. He perfectly secured the riding horse characteristics in his pedigree with countless successes in the advanced class. In 2017, his excellent riding horse characteristics brought him to the final of the Bundeschampionat of 5-year-old dressage horses. And also at the age of 6 Emilio qualified confidently to the Bundeschampionat and was presented there by Wolfhard Witte. In 2019, the first starts in the heavy class followed. With a sovereignty that is second to none, he was able to join the ranking list right away. In the 2021 season, Emilio Sanchez made his debut in S*** and placed directly in third place. He maintained his performance throughout the season, so that further placings and also a victory in S*** dressage followed.

His sire Estobar NRW, himself an athlete through and through, also won his stallion performance test in 2009. Through numerous successes in the heavy class, he secures the riding horse characteristics in this pedigree very well. On the mother's side, movement potential of the extra class over the grandmother Welina, who got the dream grade 10.0 for her trot and also for her gallop and rideability, the judges awarded the score 9.0. The mare of the "Hortense" confirms this performance with fourteen licensed stallions.

Emilio - flawless conformation and exterior with best riding horse potential.

HLP Neustadt (Dosse) 2016 50 day test. Overall 8.58, Character 9.5, Willingness to perform 9.0, Trot 8.5, Canter 9.0, Walk 8.5, Rideability 8,5, Jump 7.0

Emilio Sanchez:

Extra Nice HW's dam sire is Silberschmied. Placing in the top group, Silberschmied by Sunlight/Wolkenstein II was Reserve Champion at his performance test. He convinced with his exceptional character and his consistent suppleness. In addition he had by far the best walk of the entire group. This typey sire presented himself in an outstanding fashion on all testing days, clearly on the aids at all times. Silberschmied captivates with his noble and elegant conformation. Via Sunlight xx the stallion goes back to Derby Champion Tarim xx who is one of the few stallions that completed his 100 day performance test with other Warmblood stallions.

Sire Sunlight has been used extensively in Hanover and has 8 sons licensed and 10 State Premium mares. He is a good improver in dressage, riding type and conformation. Damsire, Wolkenstein 11, is a well-known son of the legendary Weltmeyer and was Vice Champion of the stallion licensing at Verden in 1992. He was champion riding horse in 1993 in Mannheim and winner of his performance test in 1993. He has a faultless character and extraordinary willingness to perform. He has proved himself as a valuable breeding sire in Germany with an extremely high breeding value index for dressage, conformation and riding type. At his performance test Silberschmied was given 8 character, 9 temperament, 8 willingness to perform, 8 conformation, 8 trot, 8 canter, 8 walk, 9 rideability, 5.67 jumping, 8 free-jumping manner, 8.33 free-jumping technique. He came second in the dressage section out of 52 stallions in his year. He has 1 licensed son, 15 state premium mares, 8 auction horses. HLP 2007: 129.29/2/52; DI 142.02/2; SI 94.64/24. Breeding Value Scores: Dressage Young horse (128) Highest level achieved (124) Jumping Young horse (62) Riding Type (148) Conformation (109) Dressage (115) Jumping (76)


Extra Nice HW has super fancy, cat like/elastic, swinging movements and knows to impress with rhythm and his work ethic and always gives his best effort. This stunning horse has all, the looks and the personality a person could ever hope for. Super pretty head, perfect set on neck and superb conformation.

His athleticism and gentleman like attitude, is nearly indescribable. This boy is so much fun to ride, with a soft mouth and lots of impulsion. He eagerly works under saddle. He is all concentrated on his job in the dressage arena and with his quick, far reaching hind leg, passage and piaffe will come naturally to him.

Extra Nice HW is incredible supple and has a ton of air time. He just floats above the ground. With his free shoulder and huge suspension, he swings nicely through his back and is easy to sit. This extremely talented gentleman has definite international potential.

This young stunner will go far in the dressage ring, he is your ticket to the top! He was always handled and trained correctly, even as a young stallion in hand, to continue his career under saddle, everything comes naturally to him. With this horse, you will be the star in FEI classes and at clinics, the judges and onlookers will remember him where ever he goes.

This is a mesmerizing horse, that has it all and loves to give it all, used to go in the hot walker, loves his shower and solarium time. Stands for the farrier, loads and appreciates his personal grooming time. This one is as sweet as a puppy dog, but with the attitude of a real gentleman.

He is your ticket to the top.

Buy him now and show him yourself in the Young Horse Championships or take him to the BundesChampionships.

X-rays on file!

check out his video clip!!!

Please e-mail Irene@HWfarm.com

Or text 239-772-7722 for Irene, managing member, HorseSales LLC

We take pride in answering every e-mail right away (at least at the same day) and to return each call. If you don't get a reply - please try again, our spam filter might have gotten in the way?!

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Extra Nice HW Emilio Sanchez Estobar NRW Ehrentusch Ehrensold
Florence Ferragamo
Diamant LAdy Don Crusador Don Bosco
Welina Weltmeyer
Hann PR. St. H Sharonda Silberschmied Sunlight Tarim xx
Sunflower xx
Wenezia Wolkenstein II
St. Pr. Lorena Londonderry Lauris Crusador
Windsor Queen
Westergirl Western Star



Home Up Secret Desire HW Fuerst Quotenkoening HW For Ever HW Extra Nice HW Valentin HW FirstChoice HW So Fine HW Vivat Gold HW Fine Dream HW Sir Dynamic HW Eleven HW Eminence HW FiveStars HW in alphabetical Order 2 Late_35 2 Late_34 2 Late_33 2 Late_32 2 Late_31 2 Late_30 2 Late_29 2 Late_28 2 Late_27 2 late_26 2 late_25 2 Late_24 2 Late_23 2 Late_22 2 Late_21 2 Late_20 2 Late_19 2 Late_18 2 Late_17 2 Late_16 2 Late_15 2 Late_ 14 2 Late_13 2 Late_ 12 2 Late_ 11 2 Late_10 2 Late_9 2 Late_8 2 Late_7 2 Late_ 6 2 Late_5 2 Late_ 4 2 Late_ 3 2 Late_ 2 2 Late_1